500 MILES COVER by Stephen Hereford

Back when I was 19, my work foreman “Luigi“ who was then, 50 years old, told me that the creative mind diminishes once a musician reaches the age of 30 ..... I remember thinking “He’s full of shit“ because I was so highly creative at that time that I just couldn’t even conceive of myself, just melting away from the vast pools of creativity and exhausting my ongoing search for that void to where no man has ventured before and so eventually, I mustered up all of my creative processes and threw myself onto this platform and announced to the internet world “HERE I AM BABY .... SIGNED SEALED, DELIVERED ... YOU’RE MINE“ ... and so far, this bold journey has taken me to .... absolutely nowhere ..... So .... what went wrong? ..... What went wrong was that Luigi was 100 percent correct and I just couldn’t see it .... Was it the music itself? ..... Most people who comment positively on my songs, tell me that they all have an 80s vibe to them ... “3 decades out of tempo
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