Australia’s leaders ‘drastically misled us’ while the world learned to ‘live with the virus’

Sky News host Chris Kenny says it’s “time to face up to reality” and see that our political leaders have “drastically misled us” and the National Cabinet has been an “abject failure”. “We were told a year ago that we would ensure the coronavirus pandemic did not overwhelm our medical system, we were told we needed to lock down early to slow its spread, allow time to build up medical capacity, and ensure we could flatten the curve,” he said. Over a year later, “paranoid political opportunists” have panicked and are adopting an “unofficial elimination strategy”. “This is just nuts, take a step back. The media and politicians obsess over the number count,” Mr Kenny said. “It is a simple truism to say we cannot keep doing this to ourselves, the 64-billion-dollar question is how long we’re going to keep trying. “Until then, in this country we are prisoners of our own paranoia.”
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