Erased James Franco, directed by Carter

Carter directs the American actor, James Franco in a film that has him ’re-enact’ every television and film performance from his entire career, creating a new narrative from these re-visited performances. As the film unfolds, Franco also plays the part of Julianne Moore in the Todd Haynes film, ’Safe’ (1995) as well as Rock Hudson in the John Frankenheimer film, ’Seconds’ (1966). The result is a schizophrenic, daunting and poetic performance that has Franco not only playing ’himself as himself’ but also the roll of a celebrated, ’leading lady’ (Moore) and one of Hollywood’s charismatic ’sex symbols’ (Hudson). Erased James Franco 1 Hour 3 minutes - Super 16mm film “This is my favorite performance of any that I have ever done.“ -James Franco alternate clip of film:
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