00:00 Pater si non potest
00:34 Vexilla Regis
04:53 Der Voghormia
07:54 Multitudo Languentium
13:14 Veni Sancte Spiritus
15:44 Shen khar venakhi
21:10 De Innocentibus
25:30 Our Father in Aramaic
VEXILLA REGIS (Hymn to the Holy Cross)
Abroad the regal banners fly,
now shines the Cross’s mystery:
upon it Life did death endure,
and yet by death did life procure.
Who, wounded with a direful spear,
did purposely to wash us clear
from stain of sin, pour out a flood
of precious water mixed with blood.
O lovely and refulgent Tree,
adorned with purpled majesty;
culled from a worthy stock, to bear
those limbs which sanctified were.
Blest Tree, whose happy branches bore
the wealth that did the world restore;
the beam that did that Body weigh
which raised up Hell’s expected prey.
Hail Cross, of hopes the most sublime!
On this triumphant day
grant to the just increase of grace,
and every sinner’s crimes efface.
Thee, mighty Trinity! One God!
Let every living creature laud;
Whom by the Cross Thou dost deliver,
O guide and govern now and ever! Amen.
DER VOGHORMIA (Armenian hymn sung during the priest’s Communion)
Lord have mercy.
Most Holy Trinity, give peace to the world, health to the sick
and grant Heaven to the departed.
MULTITUDO LANGUENTIUM (Gregorian Chant - Communion Verse)
A great multitude of sick people and those who were troubled with unclean spirits came to him, for power came out from him and healed them all. (Lc 6,17-19)
This pauper called out and the Lord heard him, and saved him from all his troubles. (Ps. 34:6)
Glory be to the Father...
Come, Holy Spirit,
send forth from heaven
the rays of thy light
Come, Father of the poor;
Come, giver of gifts,
Come, light of our hearts.
Oh best Comforter,
Sweet guest of the soul,
Sweet refreshment.
In Labor rest
in the heat, moderation;
in tears, solace.
O most blessed Light
fill the inmost heart
of thy faithful.
Without your spirit,
nothing is in man,
nothing that is harmless
Wash that which is sordid
water that which is dry,
heal that which is wounded.
Make flexible that which is rigid,
warm that which is cold,
rule that which is deviant.
Give to thy faithful,
who trust in thee
the sevenfold gifts.
Grant to us the merit of virtue,
Grant salvation at our going forth,
Grant eternal joy.
Amen. Alleluia.
SHEN KHAR VENAKHI (Georgian hymn dedicated to the Virgin Mary)
You are a vineyard newly blossomed.
Young, beautiful, growing in Eden,
A fragrant poplar sapling in Paradise.
May God adorn you. No one is more worthy of praise.
You yourself are the sun, shining brilliantly.
DE INNOCENTIBUS (Chant of St. Hildegard of Bingen to the Holy Innocents)
Our King is swift and ready to receive the blood of innocents.
So sing the angels and with praise resound.
But yet the clouds this blood bewail.
That tyrant still was choked by death’s oppressive sleep
in punishment of his grave wickedness.
But yet the clouds this blood bewail.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
But yet the clouds this blood bewail.
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