Is Roger Waters A Marxist

Is Roger Waters A Marxist? ROGER WATERS IS A MARXIST George Roger Waters (born 6th September 1943) is a Communist musician, singer, songwriter and composer. Born to Mary (née Whyte; 1913-2009) and Eric Fletcher Waters (1913-1944), in Great Bookham, Surrey, his father, the son of a coal miner and Labour Party activist, was a schoolteacher, and a Communist Party member. In 1965, he co-founded the progressive rock band Pink Floyd and subsequently composed and recorded a series of politically charged and aggressive albums including The Wall. In fact the accompanying video to the featured single The Wall is cunningly interspersed with references to the Holocaust construct indicating Water’s Communist affiliation. The 1982 film based on the 1979 Pink Floyd album whose screenplay was written by Waters also features heavily politicised scenes that deliberately manifest the totalitarianism of Bolshevism but overlaid with fascist iconography. In October 2010 his ‘political activism’, a contrived performance for the press, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) condemned Waters, saying that he had used “imagery long associated with stereotypes about Jews and money” and had “crossed the line into anti-Semitism” allowing Waters to show his veneration for his Jewish masters and affirm his advocacy for their global domination. In particular in his open letter to The Independent he stated that the artwork used during his shows was “representative of religious and national and commercial interests, all of which have a malign influence on our lives and prevent us from treating each other decently”, exquisitely representing the rhetoric of the politically correct Global Jewish Zionists destroying race and culture. - @PRO42O Enjoy at your own risk - MATURE CONTENT Religion, Politics, MSM, News, Conspiracy, Immigration, Culture War, Human Exploitation, Child Trafficking, Anti-White, Canada, America, USA, Europe, Israel, European Union, United Nations, Covid19, Vaccines, Plandemic, Pandemic, War, Anti-semitism, Torah, Talmud, Kabbalah, Bible, Jews, Gnostic, Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Zionism, Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, Facism, Nationalism, Totalitarianism, Marxism, Bolshevism, Trans-humanism, Feminism, Technocratic Dictatorship, WEF, The Great Reset, FAFO, 2A, NWO, MOSSAD, CIA, NSA, Censored, INFOWARS, Government, Protocols, Hitler, Audio books, History, WWI, WWII, Documentary, Hollywood, Music Industry, Propaganda, MK-Ultra Mind Control, Subversion, Symbolism, Occult Knowledge, Saturn Death Cult, JQ, Goyim, Sabbatean Frankists, Calvanists, Secret Societies, Freemasons, Illuminati, Kazahrs, Blacknobility, Saxe, Coburg, Gotha, Guelphs, Ghidellines, Royal Family, Jesuits, Rothschilds, Vatican, Knights Templar, Knights of Malta, Rockefeller, Council of 300, Deep State, Club of Rome, Documentaries, Geoengineering, Weather Manipulation, HAARP, Stratosphereic Aerosol Injections, Chem-trails, Depopulation Agenda, Clown World, Comparative Mythology, Paganism, Theology, Nature, Astrology, Astrotheology, Mystery Schools, Planet Worship, Star Worship, Esoteric, Media, Corruption, NIH, Mrna Vaxx, Genetic Therapy, Elite, Satanists, Cabal, Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderburg Group, Hidden History, Spirituality, Multiculturalism, Genocide, Kalergi Plan, Nanotechnology, Health Care, Microbots, Nanobots, Science, Psychology, Artificial Intelligence, AI, 911, False Flag, Operation Northwoods, Aliens, UFO’s, Extra-Dimensional Beings, Rituals, Bloodlines,
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