Eli Roth on Fin and Why It’s So Important We Save Sharks

Would you believe since the year 2000, approximately two billion sharks have been taken out of the water? While sharks have been on our planet for four-hundred and fifty million years and survived four extinction level events, their luck is about to run out unless people stop killing them and work together to save these incredibly vital creatures. What you might not realize about sharks is they are an indicator for ocean health. Not only are they the apex predator helping to remove the weak and the sick, they help keep seagrass beds and coral reefs healthy. If you speak with any scientist, they will tell you if sharks are removed from the equation the oceans will suffer unpredictable and devastating consequences. Simply put: we do not want to experience a world without sharks. To help raise awareness about what is going on with sharks all around the world and how many are being killed just for their fin, I spoke to filmmaker Eli Roth about his new fantastic and extremely important documentary, F
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