MWT Pawcade V ()

1. Jeffrey John vs. Joseph Alexander 2. Tripp Cassidy vs. Reed Bentley vs. Max ZERO vs. Don’t Die Miles vs. Ron Bass Jr. vs. Jay Lucas (Mystery Scramble Match) 3. Chase Holliday vs. Noah Veil 4. Ben Shearin vs. Chad French 5. JB Thunder vs. Tony vs. Sage Philips vs. Nick Depp vs. Kavron Kanyon vs. Apollo Garvin vs. Jake Bravado vs. Tyler Voxx vs. Brandon Wolfe vs. Dylan Derringer vs. Alexis Littlefoot vs. Irving West vs. Aaron Grider vs. Azrael Row vs. BMD vs. Book Hemingway vs. Dallas Edwards vs. Go-Go vs. Goldar de Luchador vs. Goonta vs. Gwen Neodonna vs. Matt Diesel vs. Mega Mondo vs. Pastor Prime vs. Stone Pain vs. Troy Valentine vs. Tungsten Redd vs. Tyler Stevens vs. Zeeke Rose ( Title #1 Contendership Rumble Match) 6. Dimitri Alexandrov (c) vs. John Wayne Murdoch (WrestleRave Deathmatch Title Match) 7. Nick Depp vs. Omega 8. Rico Gonzalez (c) vs. Alexis Littlefoot ( Title Match) 9. Cole Radrick vs. Steve 10. Colby Corino vs. Daniel Starling 11. No Limit Demons (Matt Diesel & Nikeem Avent) (c) vs. The Ody (Chris Copeland & Jack Andrews) vs. NEOV (Drew Dillinger & Matt Atreya) (PPW Tag Team Title Three Way Match) 12. Suge D (c) vs. Hoodfoot (Pan-Afrikan World Diaspora Wrestling World Title Match)
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