Elliot Goes to School

Another day in life of Elliot as he tries to survive his first day of his Sophomore year in High School. This idea came to me as soon as my Sophomore year started as well. Oh, and Elliot doesn’t sound like a Chipmunk anymore (COUGHelliotslateforworkCOUGHelliotsfirstfilmCOUGHlolwutCOUGHCOUGHcoughCOUGH damn allergies). Anyway, hope you all enjoy. I hope to release more videos this school year and the farther future! The person in the silly little picture is not me. It is Theo, who was also featured in Fox’s Retarded Day. So yeah, I forgot I didn’t remove the skin for the picture frame, so I wanted it to be a little easter egg thingy I suppose.
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