Chief of chetimaches penicaut fork and calumet

Chief of chetimaches penicaut fork and calumet I PM hate boring history. It’…boring. But when it has humanity, esp the better side of humanity, or it is revealing of truths of life, it’s good stuff. And what is some of the earliest and most human history of Louisiana occurred in the Donaldsonville area. Bienville sending Penicaut on assignment to make peace with the Chetimaches tribe. Penicaut first went to the Houmas village (not specified as either Point Houmas or the Houmas House location, opposite on another on the river), where he met three Chetimaches tribesmen, who conversed with the Chief to meet Penicaut, which meeting occurred at the convergence of the Mississippi and “their river” (apparently Bayou Lafourche, which was known by the French as Riviere de Chetimaches), and Penicaut thereafter guided the chief to the newly founded Nueve Orleans to meet Governor Bienville, whereafter the Chief give the magnificent timeless speech found in THE STORY OF ASCENSION PARISH by Sidney Marchand.
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