Oreo Blue - Nobody Knows

Uploaded By ► Red Grey Matter ’’Enjoy Your Day’’ Buy Album: ’’Rx for the Blue’’ About, It is nearly impossible to sum up thirty years of Oreo Blue in one statement. However, one word comes to mind: Perseverance. In 1990, Brian Crowne had a vision to form a relevant blues-rooted band and he had the work ethic to drive the band through a multitude of personnel changes and musical market luctuations to reach that goal. Hailing from the industrial- manufacturing city of Fort Smith, Arkansas, Brian had been influenced early on by The #Blues Brothers following their hit movie in 1980. “I saw the Blues Brothers in the early 80s and the music really intrigued me and I liked the horns in the band,” Crowne says. He quickly took to the saxophone, learning to play, without any musical training. “I had to go back and teach myself how to read music. What I would do is read it and remember it and I had it memorized and faked my way into be
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