Disappearing in Plain Sight | Armin & Annie [For Harlequinade13]

Merry (Belated) Christmas, Harley! I was originally making you a Gou/Rin video since you loved them so much, but I “accidentally“ clicked on your Annie/Armin “Scientist“ MEP part (okay, fine! I really wanted to watch it ’cause I was curious) and instantly fell in love with this couple. The reason this is so late is I completely dove into the AoT/SNK fandom in approximately two days, ripping my heart out with feels when I should have been sleeping. Y’know, this is the second flawless fandom that you’ve introduced me to :D As soon as auditions reopen for your studio, you better believe I’m entering! I also wanted to make you something since you are just so incredibly supportive. Every time I post a video, regardless of what it is, you leave super long, super nice, and super detailed comments that I really love to read. I swear, you put in more thought in those comments than I do in the whole video. I really hope you like this :D
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