Carp fishing in France: Beautiful Specimen Carp from Beausoleil
Specimen carp fishing at one of the best and most beautiful lakes in France. Go to for more information about the lake and the holiday venue.
In this spring session, Mark, Alexandre and Matt bank 9 30lbs carp and some of the most beautiful specimens from the lake, fishing with fresh Blue Oyster boilies and Matt’s semi fixed inline rig. Alexandre, who joined the group for a 48hr session, demonstrates his critically balanced rig.
Carp fishing is always very weather dependant but no time is this more true than early season. This session took place mid March and it was the constant northerly and easterly winds than really challenged our carp catching skills. Some nights the lake would shut down altogether, others it would do just one bite between all of us! Location, of course was key as was baiting strategy. Carefully placed/cast singles proved very effective as did scattering baits over a wide area and then fishing one in amongst them. It’s easy to kill areas by over baiting in this scenario and sometimes simply moving swims and changing line angles was enough to get a pick up. Despite the conditions, we caught an unusually high proportion of the larger carp and they all looked stunning in their winter colours.
Music: Son of a Rocket, Deep Haze, Kevin MacLeod () and by
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Exclusive carp and catfish fishing holiday in France, with accommodation, where you can fish for specimen big carp and monster catfish in your own private 4 acre fishing lake. Visit
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4 months ago 00:19:30 1
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Рыбалка 19-20 октября. Бывает и такое.
4 months ago 00:24:03 2
Ловля КАРПА ОСЕНЬЮ ! КАК и на ЧТО ловить КАРПА в октябре .