Beethoven: Sonata in B-flat Major, (Lortie, Kovacevich)

MVT I, Allegro con brio EXPOSITION 00:00 – Theme 1. Abrupt Motif A (hidden 3rd) opens the piece, rising into cantabile melody. 00:18 – Transition. Motif A in bass, rising into F. Bass descends, while upper two voices move sequentially into new idea at 00:26 in V of (V). 00:35 – Theme Group 2. Theme 1. 3rds. 00:49 – TG2. T2. New idea (Motif B). Groups of 3rds, descending in 3rds. At 1:14 the variation is broken off by 4 arpeggios, moving through (vi) to jubilant 4-bar closing phrase at 1:21. 01:33 – TG2. T3. Note connection to Motif A in middle voice. At 1:44, Motif C is introduced: rising scale, then its inversion. Motif A closes. DEVELOPMENT 03:48 – Dialogue on Motif A, then Motif C enters, leading to TG2 T3 on V of (vi) 04:09 – Motif C in bass, rising, with inversion in treble, answered by running figure based on Motif A. G min/C min/F min 04:26 – Motif A turns into arpeggios in RH, while bass descends chromatically (NB single bars on Gb and Fb) 04:48 – Arpeggios in RH, Moti
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