Circular HUD Element - After Effects Tutorial (Advanced Techniques)

► Download Project: --- INFO --- It’s yo’ boi here, back with another After Effects tutorial on HUD Design. Let’s explore some in-depth techniques on creating circular HUD shapes. To start off, I cover a workflow technique on how to “model“ your shape in mirrored mode. This way you only need to take care of a quarter of our circle, and the rest gets mirrored over. You don’t need to waste time adjusting all your masks and shapes, when you just need to take care of 1/4 of your composition. Our base shape is created through using circle masks, in combination with other shapes, and duplicating layers to fill the gaps in between. After our initial shape is created, I go over a simple trick you can use to create oscilating animations (in this case for a simple small circle) to create the up and down motion along the center lines. EXPRESSION REMINDER : loopOut(’cycle’)
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