How to grooming yorkie at home or salon?
I often show how to groom yorkie in my videos, because I often hear questions about yorkie grooming and how to yorkie face grooming?
Yorkie haircut can be very variety.
These dogs are very active and playful, so choose a haircut for your york according to your pet’s lifestyle.
Yorkie head grooming.
A beautiful round head will yorkie incredibly cute. Or you can make grooming dog in the style of Asia.
Petgrooming is different from exhibition.
For grooming yorkshire terrier you need a bit tools.
I used for yorkshire terrier haircut:
Body haircut - Andis 7FC blade
Yorkie grooming face and paws, scissors:
- Geib Blak Perl 7 “
- Rose Line straight 8“
- Yento finish scissors 6“
- P&W Dragon finish scissors 6“
Shampoo 1st and second bath - Iv San Bernard Green Appl
Mask - Iv San Bernard Maracuja
And how do you grooming york?
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