What would happen, If a Portal Gun is released in the Minecraft World..?
This Video is Owned By Bandinanquest and Noah
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00:00 - 00:06 Promo Intro
00:06 - 00:27 Momentarily Epic Animations
00:27 - 00:34 TheMC Blender
00:34 - 00:46 BandinanQuest Animations
00:47 - 00:52 RexTheAnimator
00:52 - 01:06 Bdresser Gaming
01:07 - 01:31 ProfessorJolobo
01:31 - 01:42 Dulana57
01:43 - 02:05 PlayThis CanaL
02:06 - 02:20 HP Feathersen
02:21 - 02:39 𝕎𝕆𝕃𝔽𝕟𝕚𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤
02:40 - 03:01 AdKnight
03:02 - 03: