3+ Hours Of History’s Most Mysterious Treasures

0:00:00 Himmler & The Holy Grail: The Holy Grail, the most prized relic of Christianity has been shrouded in mystery for centuries. Said to be the cup used by Christ at the last supper it is believed by many to hold miraculous powers. For centuries Kings, knights and treasure hunters have sought it, but it has always remained elusive and out of reach of human hands. 0:48:34 The Quest For Noah’s Ark: This 50 minute documentary tells the story of three of these Christians and their expeditions which were full of danger and despair as they looked for Noah’s Ark. 1:38:05 The Nazis & The Book Of Power: Heinrich Himmler sent his SS solders to locate a treasure so valuable to Nazi ideology that it must be recovered at all costs. The item they are searching for is an ancient manuscript, a perfect copy of a book written nearly two thousand years before in Rome which the Nazis call the birth certificate for the German race. The book is known as the Germania; for the Nazis it is the “B
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