“Unveiling the Truth behind Reptilians and their Hierarchy in Images“ 4k

In this video, we will be showcasing images of the Usumgal - Kingu races: the white royalty, the red scientists and military. For the next video, we will be featuring the green Kingu, who are the lowest class and responsible for menial work. According to Aneeka of Temmer of the Taygetean Team, there are differences between Anton Parks’ information and that of the Taygetean team. Anton Parks argues that the Kingu created the Usumgal, while the Taygetean team has data indicating that the Usumgal, being older and interstellar, created the Kingu. This suggests that the Kingu are of terrestrial, intraterrestrial, or semi-intraterrestrial origin. There are currently innumerable species of reptiles on Earth, but the three most numerous are the three Kingu species: the lower class (green, tailless), the Usumgal (tailed) and the Draco (tailed). These are variants of the same species. The green Kingu are the lowest class and are in charge of menial jobs, while the white ones are royalty and the red ones are the
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