How to Paint Bone White Armour with Overbrush - No Airbrush! (WH40K: Chaos Knight Rampager)

My name is Kenneth from Kolectiv Studios! I am a competition painter and I hope to share my process of preparing for miniature painting competition as well as some behind the scenes of what goes on in the studio. In this video, I’ll be sharing how I painted the bone white armour on the Chaos Knight Rampager! This video is a part of a greater series of video tutorials where I will take you through component by component on how to paint the Knight Rampager! Relevant Links: Chaos Knight Rampager PLAYLIST: Enjoy and SUBSCRIBE today!!! To Support the Channel ► Patreons get early insight to my tutorials and also an intimate look on some of my projects even before the competition. PATREON: Follow me on ► Facebook: Instagram:
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