Booba - Magic Glasses - Episode 103 - Cartoon for kids

Booba plush toy 👉 Can you imagine a #soccer ball jumping by itself as if alive? Booba managed to solve this mystery with the help of magic glasses! ⚽ Subscribe and watch new episodes ▶ 📺 Booba is also available on Amazon Prime! ► 🛒 Welcome to Booba merchandise store! ► 🎮 Download Booba Candy Adventure ► ℹ️ It’s good to know that the original name of that small brownie is pronounced by small kids as #booba, #boba, #буба, #bobby, #bobba, #bupa, #боба, #buba, #баба, #bobaa, #بوبا, #bubba, #baba, #duba, #boombah and even #ﺏﻮﺑﺍ. Who is Booba? Booba is cute and inquisitive, like a five-year-old kid. He explores the world without anger or resentment, only with joy, and wonder. He doesn’t talk, although he does make
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