🐭 This is Definitely Not a Treasure Hunt [東方 Touhou - Sprite Animation]

After a rainy day with lightning, Murasa and most of the crew decided to take a flight over the southern hills in the Palaquin, as the air is cool there. Once they got there, Shou with her Pagoda tried to locate some treasure from those great heights.. but in a moment of clumsiness, the Pagoda slipped and fell overboard. Shamefully (because it was already the fourth time she’d lost that in a week), she asks Nazrin to go find the Pagoda. Nazrin is already used to that lamp getting lost, so she simply accepts. Along with Murasa, they prepare a peculiar method to get down from the ship to the ground quickly. Nazrin manages to land successfully and starts searching for the Pagoda; however, this time, finding the pagoda was not a big problem. With no other reason to be there, Nazrin already planned to return to the ship immediately but... The Pagoda has detected a treasure nearby! ************************** Disclaimer: All this series of animations in this c
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