The Legend of the Unrecoverable A90 Supra // Unreal Engine 4 (RTX)

During an intense downhill battle on Mount Akina, a brand new A90 Supra lost control and plummeted past the guard rail, sliding down the side of the mountain. There it sat, untouched, for the next 35 years. The year is now 2055 and the car is far beyond recoverable, but some say its spirit still remains. If you listen closely, you can still hear the echo of its engine... Unreal Engine 4 Realtime 3D render inspired by the Noriyaro’s video on YouTube. Textured in Substance Painter. Contact: Conor Lawlis Email: Conorlawlis@ ArtStation: Instagram: Noriyaro video: Song: Norvik - Second Spring Forest Sound Effects: Water Sound Effect: Supra Engine Noise: Foliage models from Quixel Megascans Tree models from the Temperate Vegetation Spruce Forest p
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