Mirror Muscles is Out Now:
Tickets to see SOFT PLAY live:
Official video for SOFT PLAY performing Mirror Muscles.
Schoolboys on steroids
Working their deltoids
Shit boy mullet
Look at this peak, look at this summit
Curls for the girls, and the boys, and everyone in between
Light work, it’s easy, it’s nothing to me
Clear the watering hole
Here comes the buffalo bison
Mike Tyson meets Rylan, teeth whitened and I’m violent
Make the ground shake
Make the room go silent
Arms like legs, turning heads
Greek God no trident
I been working on my mirror muscles
See these puppies bursting out of my sleeves
I been working on my mirror muscles
I see you looking come and give them a squeeze
The pump
The pump
The pump
The pump
Monday back and bi’s
Tuesday chest and tri’s
Wednesday I’m hitting them legs
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