PREVENT CLIPPING! Set AMP GAINS like a Pro! New SMD “Distortion Detector“ - Coming SOON!

Ever wonder how to set your amp gains properly? Do you just turn them up till its loud enough for you and call it done? Do you turn them up all the way...... or do you tell your boys “my amp is ONLY up 1/4 of the way“? If you want to set them properly then the only true way to do it previously, is to us an Oscilloscope or “O-Scope“ to detect a clipped signal. Well now you have a cheaper yet very accurate alternative, the SMD Distortion Listener (no official name yet). This was developed for and with SMD by Tony of D’amore Engineering and our other partner and electronic guru Juan. It was developed for those who dont have access to an O-Scope or even if they did, they might not understand how to use one. This is a pretty fool proof way to do it, without the scope. Put it this way, this device might not just force you to turn your gain down, in some cases you might have left some of your power “on the table“ and werent taking advantage of it. Use tracks ranging fro
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