Bonfire – Princess Zhaojun Highlight | 舞剧《昭君出塞》––《篝火起》| CNODDT

The Xiongnu men light a bonfire, warm up the alcohol, and dance in a unique ethnic style. Gathering around their chief, the celebration conveyed the free and unconstrained lifestyle of the nomads. 在猎猎作响的风声中,匈奴儿郎们点起了篝火,烫暖了羊皮袋中的烈酒,跳起了独具民族风格的舞蹈。 他们簇拥着单于,或大口畅饮、或放声大笑,展现了一种粗犷的潇洒。 Follow us! Facebook: Instagram: YouTube: Dancing China YouTube: #DancingChina #ClassicalChineseDance #ChineseMusic #CNODDT #中国歌剧舞剧院 #ChineseDance #ChinaArt #ChineseCulture #China #Theater
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