R. Wagner Regeny - Piano Concerto (1935) 2_2

Rudolf Wagner-Régeny (1903 - 1969) Orchestermusik mit Klavier - PIANO CONCERTO (1935) (Orchestral music with piano) 3a - Freimütig, frisch 3b - Anmutig bewegt AMADEUS WEBERSINKE - Klavier (piano) Berliner Sonfonie - Orchester Dirigent (conductor) : Hans-Peter Frank recorded at Studio Christuskirche Berlin 1981 - rec. from rare Stereo Vinyl LP made in GDR by NOVA / ETERNA 1983 - Professor Rudolf Wagner Regeny was teacher of following composers: * Siegfried Matthus * Georg Katzer * Friedrich Goldmann * Jörg Herchet * Tilo Medek * Paul-Heinz Dittrich * Hans-Karsten Raecke * Manfred Weiss * Reiner Bredemeyer * Günter Neubert * Thomas Natschinski and many more !
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