Darkest Dungeon is easy

No one has ever said that title before Despite neverending stressful pain during the playthrough and very luck dependant gameplay with hard difficulty even on normal mode, Darkest Dungeon is one of the best games I played in 2021 so far I had so much fun in it So much that I decided to play it on hard mode after finishing it on normal Yes, I hate my life And it’s not the last video about it Also, I’m excited for Darkest Dungeon 2 and I hope it’ll be even better Stay tuned Next video will probably be a review (for real this time) PART 2: PART 3: MUSIC VIDEO: DARKEST DUNGEON PLAYLIST: Some of the memes/clips used in this video belong to Sr Pelo Check out his channel: Darkest Dungeon is a role-playing video game developed by Red Hook Studios and published by
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