Horse rescue. Lifestory of Sakhalin naturalist Peter van der Wolf | My Life in Russia
#freethewhales #safehorse
Animal care is a calling and Peter van der Wolf has been passionately involved with it his entire life. Back home in the Netherlands, he had been a forester. But fate encouraged him to go volunteering abroad, and he ended up on Sakhalin Island. He’s established an animal rescue shelter while living in Russia and is now working to develop a horse farm for wild horse
adoption. Additionally, Peter also participated in the international environmental project for gray whale study. Such invaluable experience allowed him to be involved in a killer whale rescue mission with a team of Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations (MES) rescuers. Peter admits that life in Russia has fully changed his perception, and created new dreams. So much so, that he’s barely noticed that 16 years have gone by since moving to Russia.
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