RAGEHAMMER War Hawks (full album)

STOP WASTING GOOD AIR - CEASE BREATHING!!! Great debut demo commited by RAGEHAMMER in 2012. Five pieces of pure black/thrash metal full of hatred, scorn and lack of respect for the living and the dead. A must for maniacs of Nifelheim, Desaster, Gehennah, Von, Impaled Nazarene, Deströyer 666 or Darkthrone. Tracks: 1. RageHammer Rising 0:00 2. Prophet of Genocide 2:46 3. Hate Command 8:02 4. The Wolfpack 10:44 5. Gospel of the Scum 15:45 Recorded by M. (Mgła, Kriegsmaschine) at No Solace on 29th Sept 2
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