Ibrahim Özgür - Kalbimde Hiç Yerin Kalmadi-Turkish tango(There’s no place for you in my heart)

For fan from Berkeley............................................................. In the late 20s and 30s tango was very popular in Turkey. For many composers and singers it was the first contact they had with “western“ music. Turkish musicians and singer Ibrahim Özgür wrote many tango songs and had an evident talent for nostalgia. His velvety voice was predestined for romantic tangos. In the late 20s and 30s tango was very popular in Turkey. For many composers and singers it was the first contact they had with “western“ music. With the help of Armenian and Jewish musicians Tango established itself very quickly. At the time Istanbul was a cosmopolitan city with many foreigners and elegant audiences enjoying themselves in countless night clubs. The first Tango were performed by female soloists. The first man to win such an audience was Ibrahim Özgür. He was born in Istanbul in 1905 and his father Mustafa played the horn in the state orchestra. When Ibrahim
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