Mira Beach and Barrinha lagoon - Praia de Mira e Barrinha - 4K Ultra HD

Originally a fishing village, Praia da Mira has become an increasingly popular holiday destination. Fishing continues to be the main activity here, using the traditional, brightly coloured boats with their long, curved bows, although tractors have now replaced the ox that were originally used for pulling in the nets. A few examples still remain of the typical fishermen’s wooden houses known as “palheiros”, although these are now interspersed with the cafés and restaurants that have sprung up to cater for the visitors who seek the gastronomic speciality that is, naturally, fresh fish. The back of this fishing village gives on to a natural freshwater lagoon called the Barrinha. The differing landscape in the short distance that separates the coastal village from the inland town is remarkable: it progresses from the forceful waves of the Atlantic sea and the wide expanse of sand dunes to the lagoon and pine forests surrounding the town. Originalmente uma vila de pescadores, a Praia da Mira tornou-se um destino
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