Worldwide Coronavirus Daily Confirmed Cases Timeline Bar | 25th May 2021 | COVID-19 Update Graph

This video shows the top 15 countries worldwide with the highest number of coronavirus (COVID-19) daily confirmed cases. A running graph racing bar chart video is used to make the data more visual and hence easy to understand. The data is from the 15th November 2020 to the 25th of May 2021 #coronavirus #covid19 #WorldDailyCases #coronavirusupdate #racingbarchart for more search queries: covid 19 COVID-19 coronavirus coronavirus update coronavirus tips coronavirus symptoms coronavirus treatment coronavirus timeline bar the coronavirus vaccine explained covid-19 global confirmed cases coronavirus update daily coronavirus cases update how does covid-19 spread safety precautions for covid-19 how long does coronavirus last covid-19 protocol guidelines for covid-19 why is it called covid-19 how to protect yourself from covid-19 essay coronavirus symptoms checker coronavirus symptoms new Can
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