Arma Reforger: Audio Editor Tutorial Part 2: Signals

The first milestone on the road to Arma 4 is here. Get #ArmaReforger now ➡ The follow-up to the first part of the #armareforger Audio Editor tutorial is here. This time we focus on the next section of sound creation - Signals. 00:00 - Intro 00:18 - Terminology 01:20 - Creating a new Signal 01:57 - Simple setup: Multiplying two values 03:20 - Activating Debug Mode in the Signal Editor 03:52 - Using a Signal inside an acp 04:15 - Signal Outputs 05:11 - Signal Inputs 06:04 - Using Constant Nodes 07:12 - Activating Debug Mode in the Audio Editor 07:46 - Signals can only be used once within the same acp 07:55 - Using Game Signals to influence our sounds 09:17 - Finding game signals via the Signals Debug menu 09:52 - Changing Signals inside an ACP for testing Need help with / want to discuss the Enfusion Engine Audio Editor? Hop onto our official Discord and visit the #enfusion_audio_makers channel. http
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