Rising Tensions: Su-27 Pursues US Air Force B-52N and RC-135 aircraft

Rising Tensions: Su-27 Pursues US Air Force B-52N and RC-135 aircraft Interception of a US Air Force B-52N strategic bomber by a Russian Su-27 Strategic bombers B-52H of the US Air Force were seen the day before near the state border of the Russian Federation in the Black and Baltic Seas. To intercept aircraft, Russian Su-27 fighters from the air defense duty forces took off There were no violations of the state border of the Russian Federation. The flights of Russian aircraft were carried out in strict accordance with the International Rules for the Use of Airspace. Russian means of airspace control over the neutral waters of the Baltic Sea have detected an air target approaching the state border of the Russian Federation. To intercept the target, a Su-27 fighter from the air defense duty forces was taken into the air. The crew of the Russian fighter aircraft approached a safe distance from the air object, identified it as a US RC-135 reconnaissance aircraft. After the re
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