Rabbi B - Boo Boo Haman

We all love to BOO Haman and this song is the perfect way to practice. Sing along and enjoy the puppet show and let me introduce to you the Hamentashen Brothers. Chag Purim Sameach!! Lyrics: Haman walked down the road in front of Mordecai But Mordecai wouldn’t bow, he was a Jewish guy That made Haman real mad and he began to cry Haman said: (Chorus) Boo Hoo Haman Boo Hoo Haman HaRasha (the Wicked) Boo Hoo Haman Haman HaAgagi (The Agigite) Next thing Haman went down to King Achashverosh He told the King his plan to make the Jews toast The King gave him the ring and Haman began to boast The Jews said: (Chorus) But Queen Esther was on to Haman’s evil scheme She told the King ’bout it and he began to steam He sent Haman away and he began to scream Haman said: (Chorus) Now every year the story we are to retell Listen close to every word and you will surely Kvell (be happy) And when you hear Ha
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