01) [00:00] Our Socialism is Best in the World / 우리의 사회주의 세상에 으뜸일세 / Наш социализм - лучший в мире
Female solo and female chorus behind the stage - Kim Jong Nyo
02) [02:45] Light from the River Jangja / 장자강의 불빛 / Свет реки Чанджа
Female duet - Jon Hye Yong, Kim Jong Nyo
03) [07:05] The Roaring Waves around Cho Islet / 초도의 파도소리 / Ревущие волны у острова Чхо
Female solo and mixed chorus behind the stage - Ri Pun Hui
04) [11:25] Whenever the First Snow Falls / 첫눈이 내릴 때면 / Повсюду падал первый снег
Female solo and female chorus behind the stage - Jo Kum Hwa
05) [16:01] We Live on Dashahe Hill / 대사하 그 언덕에 우리가 산다 / Мы живем на холме Дашахэ
Female solo and mixed chorus behind the stage - Yun Hye Yong
06) [20:20] Forest in My Hometown / 내 고향의 숲 / Лес моей родины
Female solo - Jon Hye Yong
07) [25:28] Whenever the Sun Smiles / 해님이 웃을 때면 / Когда улыбается солнце
Female solo and female chorus behind the stage - Kim Jong Nyo
08) [30:23] In the Same Breath / 하나의 숨결 / Одним дыханием
Female solo and chorus behind the stage - Jon Hye Yong
09) [34:04] My Accordion / 나의 손풍금 / Мой аккордеон
Female solo and chorus behind the stage - Ri Kyong Suk
10) [37:18] Reunification Tondollari / 통일돈돌라리 / Тондоллари объединения
Female solo and mixed chorus behind the stage - Kim Jong Nyo
11) [40:06] When Soldiers Pass along Streets / 병사가 거리를 지날 때 / Когда по улицам идут солдаты
Female trio and male chorus behind the stage
12) [42:17] My Pyongyang, I Will Fight in Your Defence / 평양 이여 그대 지켜 나 는 싸우리 / Мы будем защищать тебя, Пхеньян
Female solo and mixed chorus behind the stage - Yun Hye Yong
13) [45:31] Soldiers, Let’s Become Heroes! / 병사들 아 영웅 이 되자 / Солдаты, станем героями!
Female solo and chorus behind the stage - Ri Kyong Suk
Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble Vol. 145 - Jon Gwon’s Composition 2
보천보전자악단 제145집 - 전권작곡집 2
Ансамбль электронной музыки Почхонбо. Альбом №145. “Музыкальные произведения Чон Гвона (2)“
NOTE: It is not original copy of the CD. It is the result of searching of the songs from the web (according the information from the different sources).
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