Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble Vol. 129 - Ku Sung Hae’s Composition 1
보천보전자악단 제129집 - 구승해작곡집 1
Ансамбль электронной музыки Почхонбо. Альбом №129. “Музыкальные произведения Ку Сын Хэ (1)“
01) [00:00] My Country Full of Happiness / 행목 넘쳐라 나의 조국이여 / Моя страна полна счастья
Male instrumental music
02) [02:20] We Owe Our Happiness to the Leader / 수령님이 계시여 행복합니다 / Мы благодарны Вождю за наше счастье
Female solo - Ryu Yong Ok (Mansudae Art Troupe)
03) [05:34] Boundless Is His Paternal Affection / 어버이 그 사랑 끝 없습니다 / Отеческая привязанность Вождя безгранична
Female ensemble (Mansudae Art Troupe)
04) [09:52] The Country for People / 인민의 세상 / Страна для народа
Female trio
05) [13:09] Hullari (Arrangement) / 흘라리 (편곡) / Хыллари (аранжировка)
Mixed instrumental music and chorus behind the stage
06) [18:10] The Ever-victorious Workers’ Party of Korea / 백전백승 조선로동당 / Всепобеждающая Трудовая Партия Кореи
Chorus (Mansudae Art Troupe)
07) [20:26] Song of Reunion / 상봉의 노래 / Песня о воссоединении
Female duet - Ri Pun Hui, Ri Kyong Suk
08) [23:01] We Are Party’s Troops / 우리는 당의 군대 / Мы - войска Партии
09) [25:33] We’ll Always Remain Loyal to Our Party / 영원히 당음 따라 충성 다하리 / Всегда будем верны нашей Партии
Male solo - Choe Chang Rim (The Korean People’s Army Song and Dance Ensemble)
10) [29:20] We Will Inherit / 우리는 이어 가리 / Мы унаследуем
Female solo and chorus behind the stage - Ri Pun Hui
11) [32:28] The Victorious Military Parade / 승리의 염병식 / Победный военный парад
Orchestra and male chorus (The Korean People’s Army Band, The Korean People’s Army Merited Chorus)
NOTE: It is not original copy of the CD. It is the result of searching of the songs from the web (according the information from the different sources).
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