Finnish Nyan Cat

So I found this: , and I was bored, so I figured I might as well make a Nyan Cat for my own home country, since there didn’t seem to be one! (I checked YouTube, like the guy who made that blog post said he did) The song is from here... (Thanks to that person for their upload!!) I chose that song because, if you guys didn’t know, Ievan Polkka (Ieva’s Polka) is actually a song by a Finnish folk band called Loituma. It gained popularity with the Bleach girl leek spin meme, but it’s been around before that, not in meme form. :D I would have used the original version of the song, but being Finnish myself, I understood too much of the words, hahah. And I just feel like Nyan Cat shouldn’t have understandable lyrics playing behind her/him, you know? So yeah, I went with the Vocaloid version of the song. The original Nyan Cat song is made in Vocaloid anyway, right? B
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