4K 2022 Japan Kyoto Autumn Leaves Spots 見頃の京都の紅葉 16選 京都観光 旅行 案内 清水寺 嵐山 銀閣寺 Ķ

DATE:21~26 November 2022  Kyoto’s autumn culminates in a spectacle of brilliant autumn Leaves. With stunning, warm colors from red to yellow, Japan’s maple leaves are particularly prized for their beauty. The best time to see autumn Leaves is from mid November to early December. Here are 16 excellent spots where you can fully enjoy Kyoto in autumn and take in the city’s elegant atmosphere. 00:00 オープニング opening 02:08 清水寺 Kiyomizu Temple 03:38 嵐山 祐斎亭 Arashiyama Yusaitei 05:18 保津川下り Hozu River Boat Ride 07:31 嵐山 Arashiyama 09:38 嵯峨野トロッコ列車 Sagano Romantic train 11:58 二条城 Nijo Castle 13:50 平安神宮 Heian Shrine 14:50 瀧安寺 Ryuanji Temple 17:02 宝が池公
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