Our Sun | Science videos for kids | Kids Academy

Thousands of parents and educators are turning to the kids’ learning app that makes real learning truly fun. Try Kids Academy with 3-day FREE TRIAL! __________________________________________________________________________________________________ This science video from Kids Academy will teach your child about our closest star – the Sun, which is the source of all life on the planet Earth. Observing the Sun and understanding its properties will help the young ones develop a better idea of the Earth’s place in the universe and prepare them for grasping the concepts of weather, seasons and amount of daylight, energy, as well as plant and animal behavior. The Sun is in the middle of our solar system, and all the eight planets of the solar system revolve around it following their orbits. The Sun is a star, which means it’s a big ball of hot gas. Right now, it’s a dwarf star in the middle of its life, but over time it expands, which means “grows bigger”, to turn into a giant star when it
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