прикорм щенков хаски, 5 недель (Юта-Астон). Прикорм / husky puppies, 5 weeks old. Complementary food

In the video, the puppies are 38 days old (5 weeks, they were born on June 21). The puppies will be available. DAM (JUTA ) link to the pedigree : SIRE ( HOLODNYI LED ASTON MARTIN ) link to the pedigree : We started introducing complementary foods at the age of 4 weeks, but some puppies preferred mother’s milk. Today we see that they are already eating meat well. Someone is faster, someone is slower. We use as food : *in the video - duck meat, ground beef *behind the scenes - kefir, chicken meat, beef meat, ground beef, duck meat, “Farmina“ dry food ___________________________ На видео щенкам 38 дней (5 недель, они родились 21 июня). Щенки будут доступны к приобретению. Ссылки на родословные родителей МАМА - ПАПА - Мы начали вводить прикорм в возрасте 4 недели, но некоторые щенки предпочитал
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