They’re finally here! | PAINTING THE NEW 30k SANGUINARY GUARD! | Command Squad kit review |
In this video Henry converts and paints up the new Sanguinary Guard unit for your games of Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness!
Warcom article & Rules -
#horusheresy #bloodangels #paintingwarhammer
Instagram accounts mentioned:
Steve - @greekgeek75
Migs - @migsula
00:00 - Intro
01:15 - NEW Command Squad Kit review
05:40 - Sub assemblies
06:05 - Red shoulderpads
07:30 - Gold Armour
11:23 - Banner and Decals
17:25 - Purple details
18:17 - Artwork influence
19:22 - Leather
21:05 - Perdition Weapons
26:00 - Oils
28:30 - Final results and reflections
Paints Used:
GW - Mournfang Brown
GW - Baneblade Brown
GW - Iron Warriors
GW - Eshin Grey
GW - Mephiston Red
GW - Wildrider Red
GW - Baal Red
GW - Ratling Grime
GW - Carroburg