#2 ДУЭЛЬНАЯ САБЛЯ | Упражнения с выбором в передвижении/ hema DUELING SABER / three simple exercises

На видео показаны три упражнения с дуэльной саблей. Упражнения предназначены для тех кто практикует фехтование на дуэльной сабле XIX - XX века, а так же увлекается историческими боевыми искусствами. ==================================== The video shows three exercises with a dueling saber. The exercises are intended for those who practice fencing on a dueling saber of the XIX - XX century, as well as are fond of historical martial arts ==================================== #HEMA #Tramazzone #historicalfencing #fencing #saber Video editing and : Sergey (Blankfeld) Kovalenko The exercises are performed by school students Coach: Alexey Perkov Fencing School TRAMAZZONE
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