Build a Doom AI Model with Python | Gaming Reinforcement Learning Full Course

Teach AI to play Doom In this video you’ll learn how to: - Install VizDoom for Python - Prepare VizDoom for Reinforcement Learning with OpenAI Gym - Build Reinforcement Learning AI models using Stable Baselines 3 - Train for different Doom levels - Apply Curriculum Learning and Reward Shaping to improve results Get the code: Links: VizDoom: OpenAI Gym: PyTorch: PPO Algorithm: … 0:00 - Start 0:13 - Introduction 0:28 - Explainer 1:46 - CLIENT CONVERSATION 1 1:57 - Animation 1 2:09 - Tutorial Kickoff 3:01 - Getting VizDoom up and running 26:19 - CLIENT CONVERSATION 2 26:45 - Animation 2 27:16 - Creating an OpenAI Gym Environment 1:09:24 - CLIENT CONVERSATION 3 1:09:32 - Animation 3 1:13:32 - Setup Training Callback 1:22:21 - Train the RL model 1:45:28 - CLIENT CONVERSATION 4 1:45:41 - Testing the Agent 1:53:34 - BASIC
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