Глаза Любви... Стихи о Любви читает автор Демирина. Eyes of Love... Reads the author Demirina.

poems are read by the author Demirina. Eyes of Love... They hide a lot Your enthusiastic and just quiet days, Dawn backwaters, unprecedented sunsets, Intergalactic pulsing lights! Caress the Earth, darlings, in dismay For her path to the invisible gods, For that, living, in the true Result, What is beyond the power of suffering enemies! Pleiades of stars, leaving a moment of glow, Still shine in the dunes of rare dreams On the faces of all proportions and sections, Up to the purest yachont tears... The eyes of Love do not know sins, They call with them to master the distance (No, no bitter deprivation) But only pride that sows sorrow! стихи читает автор Демирина. Глаза Любви... В них спрятано немало Твоих восторженных и просто тихих дней, Рассветных заводей, закатов небывалых, Межгалактических пульсацией огней! Ласкают Землю,
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