Все слова... Стихи читает автор Демирина. All words... Poems are read by the author Demirina.

poems are read by the author Demirina. All words are lies! Assurances - crumbs From what could sing and love here: Interjections, dreams, unbaptized breaths, - Timelessness in which I wanted to get rid of Distorted “la“, like an embarrassment of a tuning fork ... But will the sounds of “dolente“ of Love forget, That she communed herself with a frantic groan, Infecting a quarter of the Earth with despondency?! The “gifts“ of the darkened light are drying up, Fetters crumble from weary hands, And no one wants to hear the answer To the question of what fright hides for centuries! Whether a flute to the foot of a mountain peak From the vast, sacred azure skies? Whether the voice of a painfully native man From cumulus clouds? Is the angel resurrected Tortured to death by me with a report of faith, Causing a strange inter-cassock interest ... With dictionary saliva, we
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