Touhou Animation - ???

Imagine you are relaxing on a beautiful, sunny day in Gensokyo. Cicadas are buzzing, birds are chirping and you feel a suspicious presence on the rooftops.. b-but it’s probably your imagination! Suddenly CHEN knocks on your door and demands you pay back your loan! But you don’t have the money, giving way to one perplexed debt collector.. Better hope the worst she’ll put you through is higher interest rates. Okay enough with that cringe story it’s animation talk time. Started this one in December with a super rough blockout just because I liked the meme so much! After I finished Pomu and Koishi, I had one other animation remaining that’s been in progress for 6 months but it’s pending reviews and tech hurdles and tbh I just want to take my sweet time with it. So when February came about I started work again on this. Overall I think I spent about 4 weeks on this? Which is pretty good in my eyes! It was fun trying to make the soundscape for this and trying some new rendering stuff. Also I combined 2 different chens for this. And let me just say for a bit the absolute technical pain I experienced during this project.. I didn’t realise I merged the mouth vertices until after I animated everything so I had to re-replace the entire head and shaders and stuff and then I thought I had to do it AGAIN but I found a smart workaround and to top it off I realised I deleted the damned hair bones like literally the other day but I could not even be asked to replace the head again so that’s why there’s no hair anim~~ ALSO I spent a good week doing the LineArt and experimenting with textured strokes or procedural modifiers to make it unique and pretty but alas it didn’t work out. Seems making pretty LineArt will be a long term goal. Just now realising things I would change with the LineArt and shaders etc but it’s time to move on from this project. In other news, yes, I like Bae and Moomsuke. Made with #gooengine #b3d #touhou
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