🇬🇧 In the company of 5,000 spectators and athletes, more than 200 performers lined up on and under the stage in the heart of the Ljudski vrt Stadium. The motto of the opening ceremony was “Youth for youth“, so all the performers, except for the Slovenian Army orchestra, were under 30 years old. 🥰
Excellent scenography, colors of 48 flags, lighting of the flame, eloquent leaders, oaths, speeches, honor guard, renowned athletes and we could go on and on...
Thank you to all 800 volunteers for their immense help, because only with you can we continue at this pace. 💜 And thank you, dear visitors, for such nice feedback, which we are still receiving today. 💜
Director: Nejc Levstik
Scenography: Greta Godnič
Video: RTV Slovenija
🇸🇮 V družbi gledalcev in športnikov se je več kot 200 nastopajočih zvrstilo na in pod odrom v osrčju Ljudskega vrta. Moto včerajšnje otvoritvene slovesnosti je bil “Mladi za mlade“, zato so bili vsi nastopajoči razen orkestra Slovenska Vojska, stari pod 30 let. 🥰
Odlična scenografija, barve 48 zastav, prižig plamenice, zgovorna voditelja, zaprisege, govori, častna garda, priznani športniki in še bi lahko naštevali ...
Hvala vsem 800 prostovoljcem za neizmerno pomoč, saj lahko le z vami nadaljujemo v tem tempu. 💜 In hvala vam dragi obiskovalci za tako lep feedback, ki ga prejemamo še danes. 💜
Režiser: Nejc Levstik
Scenografija: Greta Godnič
Video: RTV Slovenija
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