The Knife Game Song

“The Knife Game Song“ (ORIGINAL) song by Rusty Cage. DOWNLOAD THIS SONG: SUPPORT THE INSANITY! ► TWITTER ► T-SHIRTS! STICKERS! MERCH! ► BANDCAMP ► FACEBOOK ► INSTAGRAM ► I am Rusty Cage, a singer/songwriter, satirical comedian, and Ranter. Most people know me from my song “The Knife Game Song“, but I also make all kinds of other music and videos, from folk, blues, hip-hop, skits and more. Covers and originals. Visit my channel and give it a listen. *Disclaimer: I am not responsible for personal injury. Play at your own risk! The Knife Game Song Lyrics -Oh, I have all my fingers, the knife goes chop chop chop If I miss the spaces in between, my fingers will come off And if I hit my fingers, the blood will soon come out But all the same, I play this game, cause thats what its all about Oh, CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOP Im picking up the speed And If I hit my fingers then my hand will start to bleed
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