Marco Polo / Nice Mediterranean Ballet

Marco Polo by Luciano Cannito freely inspired by the work of Italo Calvino, Les Villes invisibles Nice Mediterranean Ballet Music, Marco Schiavoni Sets, costumes & lights, Jean-Pierre Laporte With Alessio Passaquindici and the participation of Eric Vu-An Twenty years later, Éric Vu-An resumes for his company the piece that Luciano Cannito created for him. Eric Vu-An, director of the Ballet Nice Méditerranée, has a special relationship with Marco Polo. Because he is a man of travels, having led an international star career in the four corners of the planet. Because it also led him to meet Luciano Cannito who created this ballet for him in the 1990s. Originally, Vu-An danced the role of Marco Polo. This time, he interprets that of Kublai Khan. To complete this trip, the piece will go to French May, in China, in the spring. This Marco Polo is inspired by Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities. In this story placed under the sign of the magic of elsewhere, four dervishes spin superbly. The hero arrives at the court of Kublai Khan. Powerful, this one weighs on the ground with all his authority, slices the space of his arms: he does not doubt to reign over the world even if he never leaves his palace. Marco Polo takes shape in reverse. It leaps, embraces space, light and ample. World attire No caravan, just a shoulder bag. Each object he draws from it evokes a city on his journey. He introduces him to the Khan who thus becomes acquainted with his kingdom, and with real life: desire, past, theater and other trappings of the world, until he too becomes jealous of the distance.
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